Category - Family & Divorce

Coffee with a Family Lawyer - NOW ONLINE!

In the sad event of a relationship breakdown, you can’t let the coronavirus and social isolation get in the way of moving forward with your life. Advice and a helping hand are important at this stressful time, which is why TGB is delighted to extend it’s popular “Coffee with a  Family Lawyer” service...

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When home is not a haven

For most of us, our homes are where we feel safe and secure. For others, a home is a hostile place where safety is not a certainty and where protecting oneself and our family is a daily struggle. It’s a day by day ritual of walking on eggshells to keep the peace and never knowing what slightest act or word will trigger...

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The impact of Coronavirus on Family Law matters

For separated families the additional stress and uncertainty brought about by COVID-19 has added an unwanted layer of complexity to resolving care arrangements and finalising property settlements. Now more than ever is the time to seek specialised family law advice to cut through complexity created by COVID-19.

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