Category - Property Settlements
If you have separated or are facing separation from your partner, you may be concerned about how to protect your interest in a house or land, particularly if that house or land is not in your name.
If this sounds like you, you may wish to consider lodging a Caveat as you prepare to finalise a property settlement.
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We often tell our clients to be wary of posting anything to social media after separation and especially during any Court proceedings that may be in progress in relation to their property settlement and/or parenting matters.
With social media now the most used domain of sharing our thoughts, experiences and lifestyle to the...
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If you have separated from your ex-partner and you own a business, you may be concerned about how your business will be treated in your property settlement.
If this sounds like you, here are our top three things you should consider when thinking about finalising a property settlement.
Understanding the value of your business
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Going through a separation and divorce is a very difficult time. I can say this as I have experienced it first hand.
You might think I had the “upper hand” throughout my separation and divorce because I am a family lawyer myself.
Well, I can say that was not the case at all.
Lawyers need lawyers for their own divorce...
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This is a burning question for all those who have separated and need to finalise their property settlement. We offer these tips to help you transition from your first inquiry through to finalisation.
Do you and your former partner have an agreement about the terms of your property settlement or do you need to negotiate one?
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Entering the world of family law can feel like trying to solve a complex puzzle, especially when it comes to understanding how contributions are assessed during separation proceedings. Fear not! We’re here to demystify this topic and explain it in a way that’s easy for anyone to grasp.
What Are Contributions?
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When a couple separates, there can be a number of reasons why they choose to stay under the same roof until they are able to finalise their property settlement.
The main three reasons separated couples remain under the same roof are:
The couple may want to keep things as normal as possible for the children, depending on the...
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If you have separated from your ex-partner or spouse, it is likely your friends, family or the people around you have told you to engage a family lawyer. However, you may not be sure whether you should engage a family lawyer or not.
If this sounds like you, here are the top 5 reasons why you need a family lawyer during the...
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It may come as a surprise to some that getting divorced in Australia is a relatively simple process. However, contrary to how it can be portrayed in popular culture, getting a divorce is not something that can be done immediately upon separation.
The divorce itself, defined as “the dissolution of the marriage between two...
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