Category - Injured People

Defence force members and veterans' renewed hope as cash injection follows promise of new military compensation claims scheme in 2018

Defence veterans disheartened by the constant struggle that is the military compensation claims process have received a glimmer of hope on two fronts. The Federal Government today committed an extra $31 million to help veterans struggling with mental health issues. This announcement follows that by Defence Minister Marise Payne...

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Injured transport workers Pt 2: Should I make a Commonwealth workers' compensation Comcare claim or a motor vehicle accident claim?

This is part two in a three-part transport workers series by Tim White. You can read part one here. Australia employs 550,000 people as road freight transport workers. It’s an enormous part of our nation’s workforce – 5 per cent, in fact. Big employers in the sector include Linfox, TNT, Star Track Express, Australia Post...

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Today Tonight: $525m Johnson & Johnson payout sparks talcum powder cancer fears

Famous household brand Johnson & Johnson has been ordered to pay an astonishing A$525 million to a US woman who claimed she developed terminal ovarian cancer after using the company’s talcum-powder-based products. The case is one of thousands of lawsuits brought across the US alleging the company failed to warn consumers of...

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