Category - Separation and Divorce

How a narcissistic spouse makes divorce even harder

Divorce is tough, but what makes it harder is if your former partner is a narcissist – intent on dragging out the process and being a roadblock to progress and your own freedom. TGB family law partner Jane Miller  discusses the impact a narcissist can have on the divorce process and some tell-tale signs to look out for. Intense...

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Why seeing a lawyer immediately after separation is your smartest move

Uncertainty and confusion can dominate your thoughts during a separation, but they don’t have to if you seek early advice. TGB lawyer Alexandra Svenson explains why seeing a lawyer immediately after separation could be your smartest move. In the immediate aftermath of separation it’s difficult to know where to start....

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Disclosure: What is it it and how can it help a smooth separation?

Disclosure is a critical part of your separation and property settlement process, yet so few people understand what they need to do. TGB senior associate Renee O’Callaghan provides this easy disclosure guide. Firstly, it’s important you get a lawyer who can guide you through the tricky process of disclosure. Going it...

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Mix 102.3FM: TGB partner Jane Miller talks to Jodie and Soda about pet custody

Pets are integral members of many Australian families. Our furry friends offer wonderful companionship and never-ending love. But what happens fi you and your partner break up? Who gets custody of the pets? TGB partner Jane Miller had a chat with Jodie and Soda form the Mix 102.3FM breakfast show to explain what happens. Listen...

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