Category - Separation and Divorce
For separated families the additional stress and uncertainty brought about by COVID-19 has added an unwanted layer of complexity to resolving care arrangements and finalising property settlements. Now more than ever is the time to seek specialised family law advice to cut through complexity created by COVID-19.
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Here are some tips and hints that may assist you in making decisions in relation to your separation, divorce or family law matter during these uncertain times.
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Either you're in the driver's seat effecting the separation or you've been blindsided by the fact your relationship is over. Breaking up is hard to do...
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In Western Australia if you have
been in a committed relationship for two years or more there is a possibility
(but no more) that your partner may take you to the Family Court of Western
Australia and ask that Court to make an order about property that you or they
or both of you own.
If you live together the chances
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For many separating couples the writing was on the wall for some time and a final separation does not come as a complete surprise to either person.
Whether it was a gradual process over many months or years or a particular event that led to the separation both parties often agree that separation was inevitable.
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Do you remember the car ads that were prevalent in the 90’s showing mum, dad and the 2.5 children? The typical Australian family. But is that still a representative of the Australian family?
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Guilt is an often-overlooked emotion when it comes to divorce, but the damage it wreaks on your mental health, your property settlement, how you parent and your ability move forward can be profound. In this blog Jane Miller, TGB partner and accredited family law specialist, shares her own very personal story of Divorce Guilt...
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Money is a common battleground in separation, but it’s not always a fair fight.
Do you know everything about the shared finances between you and your former partner?
Were you in charge of the banking? Or did you blindly trust your ex to pay the bills and make the investments?
Do you know where all the money is and where...
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Australia’s Family Court system is in crisis but a new review offers some hope that we can at least take a step towards a better approach, argues TGB partner and accredited family law specialist Jane Miller in a special guest column for InDaily.
Read the full column here.
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