Category - Same Sex Relationships

Mix 102.3FM: TGB partner Jane Miller talks to Jodie and Soda about pet custody

Pets are integral members of many Australian families. Our furry friends offer wonderful companionship and never-ending love. But what happens fi you and your partner break up? Who gets custody of the pets? TGB partner Jane Miller had a chat with Jodie and Soda form the Mix 102.3FM breakfast show to explain what happens. Listen...

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My partner and I want to start a family. What parenting rights do same-sex couples have in WA?

It’s a dream shared by most couples in Western Australia – to have children together and raise a family of their own. But what do you and your partner need to consider if you are a same-sex couple? And what happens if you separate? Tindall Gask Bentley Senior Associate Renee O’Callaghan explains. There are various...

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