Category - Family & Divorce

Co-parenting, separated families, and quarantine in the Coronavirus pandemic

It goes without saying that the COVID-19 pandemic has presented challenges for us all in every aspect of our lives. There is no doubt that this uncertain time will be particularly stressful for separated parents and blended families trying to work through the difficulties our community is facing at the moment. The Family Law...

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Should I get a pre-nup? Maybe...

In Western Australia if you have been in a committed relationship for two years or more there is a possibility (but no more) that your partner may take you to the Family Court of Western Australia and ask that Court to make an order about property that you or they or both of you own. If you live together the chances are...

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What to do when divorce rips the rug out from under you...

For many separating couples the writing was on the wall for some time and a final separation does not come as a complete surprise to either person. Whether it was a gradual process over many months or years or a particular event that led to the separation both parties often agree that separation was inevitable. However...

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