Category - Employment Law

Defence force members and veterans' renewed hope as cash injection follows promise of new military compensation claims scheme in 2018

Defence veterans disheartened by the constant struggle that is the military compensation claims process have received a glimmer of hope on two fronts. The Federal Government today committed an extra $31 million to help veterans struggling with mental health issues. This announcement follows that by Defence Minister Marise Payne...

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ABC Radio Adelaide: Patient Privacy

Is doctor-patient confidentiality as solid as we think? Can your medical records be requested by insurers, your employer or even your ex-partner? How private is patient privacy? TGB partner Tim White took part in a fascinating panel discussion with the ABC’s Sonya Feldhoff as well as psychiatrist Dr Nick Ford and Dr William...

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Today Tonight: Workplace shooting victim now broke amputee, little hope of extra compensation

David Snow’s life changed the day armed robbers raided his workplace  and shrapnel from a gunshot hit his right leg. Now an amputee, David is struggling to find employment and has exhausted all avenues for further compensation. Tindall Gask Bentley partner Amber Sprague spoke to Channel 7’s “Today Tonight”...

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Podcast: 10 Things to Watch Out for When You Make a ComCare Claim

For Commonwealth employees, making a compensation claim can be a confusing process, but it doesn’t have to be. In this episode of the Law & Life podcast, TGB partner Tim White discusses the 10 things you must look out for if you’re a Commonwealth employee making a ComCare claim. Listen on SoundCloudListen...

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