Child Support

Book your free initial interview now. Call us on (08) 8212 1077 (South Australia), (08) 9211 5800 (Western Australia), (08) 8941 7814 (Northern Territory), (07) 3373 0200 (Queensland) or register online here.

Regardless of the child’s primary residence or the status of the parents’ relationship, both parents bear a responsibility to support their child. However, in the past, some parents have neglected this duty, prompting the establishment of the Child Support Agency to enforce child support payments. This agency collects information on each parent’s income, applies a formula to calculate the required child support payments, and communicates this information to both parents.

While this system is generally effective, complications may arise if one parent disputes the income details or if there are changes in one parent’s circumstances. We can offer advice on how the child support system operates and provide assistance with any issues that arise. Additionally, there are situations where adult children may require financial support to complete their studies or due to other circumstances such as a disability. In such cases, we may file applications to the Family Law Courts to address these needs.



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