Administrative Processes
Want help with a review, challenge or appeal of a decision? Our experienced criminal law teams in Adelaide, Darwin and Perth can help you. Fill out your details here or call (08) 8212 1077 (SA), (08) 9211 5800 (WA), (07) 3373 0200 (QLD), (08) 8941 7814 (NT) or 1800 730 842 (ACT).
Our clients will often approach us to assist them with a review, challenge or appeal as they seek to challenge or overturn an administrative decision.
We have a thorough approach to any of these administrative processes that we are engaged in. Our Criminal lawyers begin by conducting a meticulous analysis of the decision at hand, relevant legislation, and the legal framework that applies. We assess the grounds for review, challenge, or appeal, carefully examining the administrative decision, the processes followed, and any potential errors or flaws. This enables us to provide tailored advice specific to each client’s circumstances and objectives.
Throughout the review, challenge, or appeal, our criminal law team maintain open and transparent communication with our clients, keeping them informed of the progress, developments, and potential implications of the proceedings. We provide clear explanations of their options and the potential outcomes, empowering them to make informed decisions. Our goal is to ensure our clients are well-equipped to effectively participate in the administrative process and protect their rights.
TGB’s criminal law team provides high-level legal solutions tailored to your unique needs. Our team offers a unique set of skills and experience, having acted for and against government departments and authorities, large corporations and professional bodies.
Our criminal defence lawyers can assist with:
- Judicial Reviews (Federal Court and Supreme Court);
- Merits Reviews (Commonwealth Administrative Appeals Tribunal and State Tribunals);
- Statutory interpretation;
- Freedom of Information;
- Drafting of by-laws and other instruments for organisations
Our team of criminal lawyers in Perth, Adelaide and Darwin has appeared in:
- Examinations before the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission
- Appeals and cases before the South Australian Employment Tribunal
- Appeals before the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
- Examinations before the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption
- Cases before the Police Disciplinary Tribunal
- Cases before numerous Magistrates Courts in Adelaide and around regional SA
- Criminal and civil cases and appeals before District Court of SA
- Civil cases (including judicial review) and criminal appeals before the SA Supreme Court
- Representing witnesses in the Kapunda Road Royal Commission
- Cases before the Coroner’s Court of SA
- Appeals and cases before the State Administrative Tribunal
- Inquests before Coroner’s Court of WA
- Examinations before the Corruption and Crime Commission
- Discipline appeals before the Police Appeal Board
- Cases before the Industrial Magistrates Court of WA
- Cases including applications for Industrial Agreements before the WA Industrial Relations Commission
- Cases before numerous Magistrates Courts in Perth and around regional WA
- Criminal and civil cases and appeals before District Court of WA
- Civil cases (including judicial review) and criminal appeals before the WA Supreme Court
- Appeals before the Court of Appeal