Defence Force Members

Do I need to have PTSD to obtain a Gold Card from the DVA?

PTSD Gold Card VeteransFor more than 25 years, I’ve been on the frontline, assisting veterans and Australian Defence Force (ADF) members in their quest for a Gold Card from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA).

A question that I’ve been asked many times is whether having PTSD is the golden ticket to obtaining a Gold Card. The picture isn’t that clear cut, and I thought it would be useful to shed light on the journey veterans take to secure the benefits they rightfully deserve.

Dispelling the Myth: It’s Not Just About PTSD!

Let’s debunk the biggest myth upfront – a Gold Card isn’t exclusive to those grappling with PTSD. To obtain a Gold Card, veterans need to accrue 60 or more permanent impairment points under the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA) scheme. Permanent impairment points under the MRCA are designed to show the impact of military-related injuries on the day-to-day functioning of the person involved, not just the medical conditions on paper. A permanent impairment evaluation is a very detailed consideration of any injuries, whether physical or psychological, and their impact on the day-to-day life of the person affected.

How can I maximise my chances of obtaining a Gold Card?

The path to obtaining a Gold Card can be a tricky one to navigate on your own.  Being proactive and seeking legal advice to help you understand the nuances of the permanent impairment process, can help you maximise your points for the elusive Gold Card in recognition of the years of service you have dedicated to being a member of the ADF.

This is your life, your future.

I have stood alongside many veterans as they have navigated the complexities of the DVA, and it has been an honour to help those people obtain their Gold Card, and all the benefits that come along with it.

Get in touch

To discuss anything in this article, or if you are a Defence Force member or veteran and believe you may be eligible to receive a Gold Card from the DVA,  please contact the author – TGB partner Tim White. Tim is a member of the Royal Australian Airforce Reserves and specialises in military compensation claims.

Tim and his team advise Defence Force members and veterans across Australia on their entitlement to military compensation.

If you need help securing your entitlements, register online here and we’ll contact you, or get in touch with Tim on 1800 730 842 or via