Podcast: Sharing the kids at Christmas
Christmas is a time for family, but emotions can also run high, especially when parents are no longer together. So what can you do to keep the peace when it's time share the kids at Christmas?

Christmas is a time for family, but emotions can also run high, especially when parents are no longer together. So what can you do to keep the peace when it’s time share the kids at Christmas?
In this episode we are lucky enough to be joined by Virginia Leeuwenberg and Jo Wilmot from Relationships Australia SA. Virginia and Jo offered some incredible insights into what parents of separated families should focus on at Christmas as well as tips on how to handle situations should tensions rise.
TGB partner and accredited Family Law specialist Jane Miller shed some light on the Family Court process around Christmas custody and what legal avenues are open to parents if a compromise can’t be found.
For separated parents this podcast is a must-listen.