Update, February 2013: Breast cancer scan review in South Australia
More than 30 women have contacted Adelaide law firm Tindall Gask Bentley since the South Australian government launched an independent mass review of breast cancer scans in December last year.
54,000 mammogram results are being re-examined, after fewer cancers than expected were detected.
“This is an extremely traumatic time of the women affected and their families,” TGB Partner Tim White said.
“Many of the women who have contacted us have said they were initially given the all clear, only to be told their scans are now under review, or worse, cancer has now been discovered.
“If there were errors in any of the processes such as the scanning or reporting, those who were subsequently diagnosed with cancer may have an entitlement to compensation.
“We have gathered crucial information from those who have contacted us and are continuing our investigations, and we look forward to the release of the independent review.”
It’s understood the findings from the review won’t be revealed until April.
“We understand that the reviewing process takes time but it is an agonising wait for the many women affected, and we think it would be helpful if Breastscreen SA could at least provide some preliminary information from the investigation so far,” Mr White said.
Women with concerns should consult their doctor, contact an information line on 8366 0266 between 8am and 7pm, or visit www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/breastscreenreview.
The Cancer Council SA hotline 132200 has trained nurses offering advice.
To register interest in potential legal action click here or contact Partner Tim White on (08) 8212 1077.
Click here for media coverage.