Family & Divorce

Coffee with a Family Lawyer!

coffee with a family lawyer

At TGB Lawyers’ Brisbane office, we offer a ‘Coffee with a Family Lawyer’ service! You can meet with one of our family lawyers for an appointment at a cafe chosen by you, where we can discuss your legal issues and we can give you a preliminary understanding of the process and what legal options might be available to you.

Our ‘Coffee with a Family Lawyer’ appointments give you the opportunity to go deeper into your unique personal situation and get expert advice from one of our experienced family lawyers in an informal and relaxed setting.

So if you’re in Brisbane, let’s catch up and share a coffee and a chat and figure out the best path forward for you.

The cost is just $100 incl. GST for 60 minutes, and gives people facing or going through separation in-depth guidance and strategy about the way forward without the formality.

Book your Coffee With A Family Lawyer HERE!