Lawyer to speak about PIP issue at Senate Inquiry
Tindall Gask Bentley lawyer Tim White will address a Senate Committee at a public hearing in Canberra tomorrow evening, which will examine the role of the Australian government and the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in the PIP breast implant scandal.
Mr. White is leading investigations into legal action for more than 900 Australian women with PIP implants.
“We are grateful for the opportunity to have a say,” Mr White said.
“I would dare suggest that we would have been in contact with more women affected by the PIP issue than anyone else in this country, so it puts our firm in a position to offer unique insight.”
Mr White said he is planning to raise the many concerns regularly discussed by the women during the hundreds of interviews that he and his team have conducted since early January.
“We will be telling the Inquiry that most of these women have felt unsupported, and there has been a lack of communication and quality information available about the PIP issue in Australia.
“We will also be reporting that many are experiencing similar symptoms and health issues.”
The run sheet for the Senate Committee public hearing is available here